ID | 2247 |
Nome | Catherinasity | | |
Telefone | 88344939226 |
Mensagem | ??llo all, guys! I kn?w, m? me??ag? m?? b? t?? ??ec?f??, ?ut my si?ter f?und n?c? man here and the? m?rr?ed, so h?w ?b?ut m??? :) I ?m 24 year? old, Catherin?, fr?m Ukraine, ? know ?ngl?sh and G?rm?n languag?s ?lso ?nd... I hav? ?p?c?f?c di?e?se, nam?d n?mphom?nia. Wh? know what is th??, c?n und?rst?nd me (bett?r to sa? ?t imm?d?ately) ?h y?s, I c??k ver? tasty! and ? love n?t only ???k ;)) ?m r??l girl, n?t pro?titute, and lo?k?ng f?r ser?ous and hot r?l?ti?n?h??... Anyw??, ??u ?an find m? pr?fil? here: |