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MensagemSalutations Webmaster.

It's Winfred and I just found your website at

I located it after a brief search, so your search engine optimization is working out…

Content looks decent…

However, one thing’s missing though…

A FAST, SIMPLE way to get in touch with you RIGHT NOW.

Because studies show that a potential customer like me will only hang out a few seconds – 7 out of 10 leave almost instantly, Browse Surf Surf… then gone.

I have the remedy:

Visitor Engagement Widget is a software widget that’s operates on your website, set to grab any user’s Name, Email address, and Phone Number. You'd know immediately they’re engaged and you can call them immediately to TALK with them - actually while they’re still on the internet looking at your website.

CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see precisely how it works and even give it a try… it could be big for your enterprise.

Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can immediately start a text (SMS) conversation immediately… which is so powerful, because linking up with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later.

The new text messaging feature lets you follow up frequently with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to forge a relationship.

Every single thing I’ve just described is incredibly simple to implement, cost-effective, and beneficial.

CLICK HERE to find out what Visitor Engagement Widget can do for your company, possibly converting up to 100X more visitors into leads today!

PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to chat with you now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to test Lead Conversion Tool now.

If you'd choose to unsubscribe click here

Merely a brief remark - the names and email address employed here, Winfred and Kershner, are substitutes and not actual contact details. We appreciate openness and aimed to make sure you’re aware! If you want to get in touch with the true person responsible for this note, do go to our site, and we’ll link you with the right person.